Florence Gottschalk Taussig to Jane Addams, April 1, 1918

Saint Louis, Missouri
1 April 1918
Miss Jane Addams,
106 South Michigan Avenue,

My dear Miss Addams:

I herewith enclose my quarterly statement showing a balance in bank at the end of March of $1315.61. I am sending duplicate copies of my records for January, February, and March, and am also sending a copy of the statement for December which was turned over to me by Miss Breckinridge. You will see that I am following the same plan used by Miss Breckinridge.

There is also enclosed a list of the pledges, showing those that have been paid and those that remain unpaid, so that you can see where we stand with regard to pledges.

With cordial greetings, I am

Sincerely yours,


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