Jane Addams to Arthur Eugene Bestor, June 3, 1918


June 3d, 1918

My dear Mr. Bestor:

I think I have not reported to you my Food address on the evening of May sixteenth, for the National Conference of Social Work. The Conference met in Kansas City where I also addressed The Men's City Club at noon and for one or two other organizations. The day after I spoke before the State Agricultural College at Manhattan, Kansas.

I speak in St. Louis on Wednesday, June fifth, at a luncheon, under the joint auspices of the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce and the United States Food Administration of St. Louis.

I have a great many engagement's ↑(not speaking ones)↓ during the month of June but think I could take a certain number of speaking engagements before [Chautauquas] the first three weeks in July. After that I am expecting to go with a friend of mine either to Estes [Park], Colorado, or Glacier Park, Montana. She has been ordered to some such park for persistent asthma and I will therefore be out of the speaking range for a little while.

I very much enjoy the speaking and have had very gratifying letters from Mr. Hoover himself and from several of the State Administrators. I hope in the fall to be able to do the [page 2] speaking more methodically.

Thanking you for your courtesy in the matter, I am

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Arthur E. Bestor, Esq.,
Director Speaking Division,
Committee on Public Information,
Washington, D.C.

P.S. I have been charging various organizations my expenses from point to point but in the case of [Chautauquas] Assemblies or Women's Clubs it has seemed wise to charge a fee of fifty dollars, half of my usual rate. This, of course, would not apply to engagements under the auspices of the Food Administration.