Jane Addams to Stanley Ross Linn, February 1918


My dear Stanley

It was a great relief to have your letter and to know what arrangements you have made. How could we have known them before when in all your letters you never mentioned them and telegraphed as late as Feb'y 2d "Neither of us want to plan without you." It was only after my telegraphed reply that we got any plans from you and then they were most fragmentary. The longest letter was from Myra about the school plan in Redlands but apparently had not proved to be possible.

The [enclosed] letter from N.Y. looks to me as if you might be called at any time. I do not think that you ought in [page 2] any way to postpone your going or other arrangements in relation to my coming to California. I think that having signed up you ought to go promptly when the order comes.

If it comes during the next few weeks perhaps we could meet somewhere on the way if I have already left Chicago I expect to speak in New Orleans [for] the Food Ad. on March 7th and to be in El Paso with Sarah from Sat. March 9" to Tuesday ↑evening↓ March 12th

Her address is Mrs Ernest A. Young

2730 Copper St El Paso Texas.

I will join Mary Smith at Albuquerque and we will come [page 3] on together arriving in Riverside or rather the Santa Fe Junction ↑[from] there↓ at 1202 noon. It seems better to both of us that we should take a room at the Mission Inn for at least a week.

I do not know how well I will be after the journey & speaking between Chicago and there, and Mary Smith has been having asthma a great deal this winter which we hope will be relieved.

We will of course see you all of the time and ↑will↓ be sure to spend some nights under the roof then or later. I am sure it is too late in the day for us to sensitive in regard to any misunderstanding. Weber & Mary have the letter now, I think but none of us felt quite as [illegible] [page 4]

With much love to Myra & Jane, Always your loving aunt

Jane Addams.


You wrote in one of your letters about a year ago that you had [illegible] for [about] one hundred trees more which you would put in another year. Don't you think that you would [better] get that in before you go away. I could finance the project up to one hundred dollars if this is the time to do it.