Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, November 28, 1917

19, Euston St. Brookline, Mass.
Nov. 28, 1917

My dear Miss Addams,

I like the preliminary program which I received this week. I am expecting to go to the Colonnade if I do not have private hospitality nearer the headquarters. I assume that you will go to the Colonnade rather than to the other hotels, but should like to know in advance where our executive board will meet on Wednesday.

I enclose a copy of my report that you may [criticize] it as much as you please. I have not mentioned some things which I assumed that you or Mrs. Thomas or Mrs. Karsten might like to discuss, but if I ought properly to include something else, please let me know.

You will receive a statement approved by all the Mass. board which we have finally agreed upon after much discussion. This will be accompanied by some additional statements by a few members. Mrs. Forbes is going and Mrs. Andrews will come the second day. I hope this statement may be the basis for that of our executive board. I think if we do not print too much it will be more likely to be read. I hope we shall have fewer resolutions [than] we did last year. I suggest one each on universal training, national prohibition, physical training/an Oriental Commission.

That short statement that we hurried through at our last ex. meeting seems to me wholly inadequate. In some way, whether through resolution or statement, we must drop the first plank in our platform and substitute something. Do you approve of this? "A speedy agreement by the Allies to institute a [League] of Nations open eventually to all nations, which agreement shall be an integral part of the war settlement."

I enclose a clipping sent to me by Mrs. Post.

I learned in New York whence I went to attend the Astor lunch, of the Committee on Durable Peace, that Mrs. Lane was thinking of some connection between her [page 2] branch and the new Non Partisan League and that some one from her board might go out to talk matters over with you. I talked with her over the 'phone and gathered that she favored a change of name and some kind of readjustment that might make us all feel freer. I shall be glad to know what you advise. The Mass. branch would be greatly relieved if they wanted to become an independent organization.

I shall very likely take the night train for Philadelphia, and will do so any way if it will be any convenience to you to have me in Philadelphia on Wednesday morning.

I am tremendously concerned as to raising any funds this year. We shall get very little at our small dinner compared with last year. I am [interested] in efforts to get new representatives next year, in Congress, pledged to work [for] a just war settlement. What do you think our efforts should be in that direction? I thought of saying something about this in my report but think some statement would come much better from you. Let us consider it at the Ex. session.

Yours, cordially,

Lucia Ames Mead. [signed]

↑I have written individual letters to many of the chairmen about the importance of our coming meeting.↓