Jane Addams to Ruth Chuchyard Williams, January 28, 1918

800 South Halsted Street.

January 28th, 1918.

My dear Mrs. Williams:

The New York matter has not come up in the Board since the Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. As I understand it, the Board tried to make clear at the meeting that while we appointed the Chairman of each state at the time the Woman's Peace Party was organized, after that we had nothing whatever to do with the state arrangements.

I think all the other states had conventions during the first year and either elected as Chairman the person appointed by the Board or some one else. The matter came up in Washington in our second annual meeting but we felt that we could not interfere in a state matter beyond urging you to call a convention. As Mrs. Mead had spoken both to you and to Miss Eastman about the question several times, the matter was left in her hands.

In Philadelphia we understood that you and Miss Eastman were going to have a meeting. I did not know that I was expected to be present because really the Board had no jurisdiction as to the State. I saw Miss Eastman when I was in New York for a few minutes and I thought from what she said that you and she had reached some sort of an understanding. The City Branch is very anxious to go in for some political work and I suppose that is the reason they want to be in connection with the rest of the State. The plan you suggest seems a very interesting one if it can be carried out and I only want to express my regret regarding the situation.

Faithfully yours

(signed) Jane Addams.