Alice Thacher Post to Hannah Clothier Hull, November 4, 1917


↑Carbon for Miss Addams & Mrs Karsten, from A. T. P.↓

November 4, 1917.

My dear Mrs. Hull:

I am so glad you can plan for the Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. Washington is so fearfully crowded that I don't believe we could possibly arrange for it here, and it did not seem so important to have it here this year because we do not know of any reason why we should ask for Congressional Hearings this year.

I shall be glad to help you in any way I can. They asked me to act as Chairman of the Program Committee, but I do not believe there will be very much that I shall have to do from here. You will know what the local people will like especially to have at the Banquet, that is, from whom they would especially like to hear; and if you write me about that I can answer quickly, and then we can submit tentative lists to Miss Addams. I have found previous years that this had to be done rather early so that we might write to some people and see if they were coming. The most difficult thing is to select some one to make a money speech. That comes with better grace from a local person. Do you think your Committee of arrangements would talk that over?

The Program of the First Annual Meeting was printed here in Washington. The Program of the Second Annual Meeting was printed in Chicago, and that introduced some difficulties and added transportation expenses. Miss Addams thought that it had better be done on the ground this time. Of course you have to allow a few days to get it done, and if you can manage it I think it would be well to let Mrs. Mead and myself see proofs. It does not take very long to reach either of us.

I am enclosing several copies of the Program of the First Annual Meeting, and one of the Second, of which I have not many copies. I should think the Platform ought to go on each year, but I think Miss Addams thought the State Chairmen need not go on this year. I think it important to put in the quotation from the Constitution (near the top of the second page of last year's program) stating who has a right to vote.

Perhaps as Chairman of the Program Committee I ought to name other members. Would you mind serving with Mrs. Mead and myself? [page 2]

I will write to Mrs. Mead, asking her if she will help us, and I will send her a copy of this letter, and I will also send a carbon of it to Miss Addams.

As probably you know, Mrs. Mead's address is 19 Euston Street, Coolidge Corner, Boston, Mass.

I think we will have a good meeting and one that will do us all good. My own thought is that we must not overlook our international position as the Section for the U.S. of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace, and the responsibilities it entails. And I believe we should greatly devote ourselves at this time to keeping alive, as Miss Addams says, the international mind, and also to considering international programs. It seems to me that this is more our business than standing for American rights in America. I myself will be glad if our programs take on somewhat of this character. How does this seem to you?

Cordially yours,