Lucy Biddle Lewis to Jane Addams, October 7, 1917

Lansdowne, Pa.

My Dear Miss Addams,

Are you in Chicago now and likely to be there the end of the week after the 24th of the month? I am planning to go to Richmond Ind. for the "Five Years Meeting" from Oct 16th to 23rd" and am inclined to go on to Chicago, when so near, and see what is new and interesting and developing as well as encouraging in any [page 2] lines of work. I get so down & out of heart I feel as if I would like to be stimulated by some of you. I despise settling down to only do relief work, important as that is today -- when there are so many things staring us in the face, crying to be done, & we must just sit & look on. I want to go to the Nat. office W.P.P. and see if I can find any new ideas [page 3] and would like also to visit our Friends group in Chicago. I should dislike to go to Chicago without seeing you & hope greatly you are there. Mrs. Hull & I have been discussing what to do about the State W.P.P. and almost fear to bring the board together for one or two members will find it hard to join us in anything, but some things we could not join them in. Do you know Dr. Battin goes back to Eng. this month? Poor man [page 4] his wife's death is a terrible blow.

I so hope you are well and keeping so, not trying to do too much or carrying so heavy a burden. I have not heard from Lydia since her arrival at Buzuluk in Russia except the cable of their safe arrival & I long for news but have no idea when it will come. Reports from the workers there before are very sad anticipating a serious winter with supplies very scarce & nothing getting through from England.

Affectionately, hoping to see you soon your friend Lucy Biddle Lewis.