Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, August 7, 1917


August 7th, 1917

My dear Miss Wald:

As the lady who wrote the enclosed letter is in New York I am sending her letter on to you, thinking that Miss Eastman or some one else from the Union might go to see her. The letter came when I was away and Mrs. Karsten did send her some literature of the I.C.W.P.P., but I can well see that a Congress After the War would not appeal very much just now, --especially when presented in writing!

Mary and I reached Chicago in time for the visit of the Russian Mission. Mary came primarily for Sally's wedding on the fifteenth and I came largely to see Marcet's daughter who is visiting this month at my Mother's house in Cedarville.

I am not planning to go back to Bar Harbor this summer but may go [to] the National meeting of the People's Council in Minnesota the first week in September. It would be very nice if you should decide to go too. The organization seems to be marching on just now and gives, I think, an outlet for a vast amount of suppressed feeling.

I very much like the communication sent to Senator Stone by the Union.

We had a nice little visit with Mr. and Mrs. Schiff at Bar Harbor. It is always such a pleasure to see them.

I am getting this letter off hastily and will write again in a few days. In the meantime, if you have any new light on the People's Council, will you send it to me?

Always devotedly yours,

Jane Addams [signed]