Jane Addams to Zona Gale, June 18, 1917


My dear Miss Gale:

I think the whole question of civilian relief is taking care of itself in the different [locales] and I hope it will not need to be considered by the Board again.

The Chicago Branch, as you know, has decided against it. I quite agree with all you say in your letter, but I do not believe that the Board as a whole would be willing to sign it. Could you write this as from your Committee, and we will send it out from the Central Office.

Mrs. Norman Hapgood republished Emerson's Essay on War last year, with an introduction by Mr. Ford. It was rather elaborately gotten out and costs fifteen cents a copy, which is, of course, more than the Woman's Peace Party publications usually are. Mrs. Karsten will send you a copy from the office.

We are sending you half a dozen copies of my speech. Please send for as many more as you can use.

Faithfully yours,

Miss Zona Gale,