Charles Phineas Schwartz to Jane Addams, June 11, 1917


CHICAGO June 11, 1917.

Estate of Chas. F. Kimball, deceased.

My dear Miss Addams:

In examining the will of Chas. F. Kimball I find that he left an estate of approximately $92,000. After deducting $32,600, seventy [percent] of the income is payable to the widow and thirty [percent] to a niece, Mrs. [Musa Cory].

The share payable to these beneficiaries upon their death is to be divided into twenty-one parts. Hull House receives one-twenty-first part of the income. Roughly estimated, Hull House will receive about $150. a year upon the death of both the widow and the niece.

I was thoroughly ashamed, but not surprised at the performance of a member of my profession following your talk in Evanston last evening. I am sure that people reading the account of the remarks of Judge Carter cannot help but feel that we have yet to learn our lesson in democracy in this Country.

I should feel sorry to think that the statement of Judge Carter reflects the attitude of any considerable portion of the people of our community. People I have talked with feel that Judge Carter was guilty of an indiscretion in [criticizing] a guest of the church.

Sincerely yours,

Charles P. Schwartz [signed]

Miss Jane Addams,
Care of Hull-House,
800 South Halsted St.,
Chicago, Illinois.