Jane Addams to Myra Harriet Reynolds Linn, June 11, 1917



My dear Myra

Your letters and Stanleys long one with the map and <the wonderful> pictures have filled us with the greatest interest concerning your trip. It must have been great fun and it sounds as if Stanley [was] quite well again. I hope he will know [illegible words] [comes back for a] [page 2] long time.

I am not to be at Hull-House until next fall [although] I go over every day, and occasionally [use] that paper when I am here.

I had already begun the new sweater when your measurements came so that it is little small but the [crocheted] one stretches -- I hope enough! [page 3] I was much impressed by the number of trees Stanley has been able to get [onto?] the ranch -- it makes the whole seem quite magnificent.

I hope Jane's rompers reached you before you had made yours. With much love to the happy family

Always yours devotedly

Jane Addams

June 11" 1917

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