Julia Clifford Lathrop to Jane Addams, June 22, 1917


June 22, 1917.

My dear J. A.,

The other day a representative of the Child Welfare Association of which Mr. Powlison of New York is, I believe, the executive came in with a prospectus including a list of directors in which your name lead off. He [stated] that the purpose was to raise at once $125,000 for this Association. I understand [that] means for its exhibit work.

Their first recommendation was, of course, their list of directors which was extremely impressive. What he asked of us was a brief statement which he might quote, not directly asking for funds but bearing upon the importance of protecting children at this time. I gave him such a paragraph for various reasons. Afterward I thought I would just ask you what you know about this present movement and how important you consider it?

Yours faithfully,

(Signed) Julia C. Lathrop [stamped]

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

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