May Wright Sewall to Jane Addams, April 23, 1917

225 West 14th St.
New York City,
April 23, 1917

Dear Jane Addams,

I am so relieved by the receipt of "A Program During Wartime" and so delighted by its contents.

The 1st & 3d of the Recommendations are those that I can most effectively work for -- and the three "immediate tasks" I am constantly trying to help on by letters to members of Congress.

I am leaving New York on April 30 for a month's engagements that will take me, as far as Western Iowa and I think give me access to eight colleges.

That I may scatter [page 2] or rather spread this nice program for Peace service in wartime I am writing to the Headquarters for a supply of this leaflet for propaganda use.

Very grateful for the firmness of a Center for our [Woman's] Peace Party,

I am Cordially

May Wright Sewall

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