Mary Catherine Judd to Miss Lyon, January 12, 1916


American School Peace League

118 State St. S.E.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Jan 12 -- 1916.

My dear Miss Lyon --

Yours of Jan. 8 received. I shall endeavor to secure corrections of the wrongly reported interview in Chicago Tribune concerning Mr. Ford -- as to Miss Addams opinion of his expedition.

Would it be possible to secure Miss Addams as speaker here & in St. Paul during Jan. or Feb? The President of our local section of the Am. Peace So -- Rev. S. L. Haworth of the Friends' church is desirous of having Miss Addams speak here and will write her soon. We feel assured that a very large audience (with admission tickets of usual prices) would greet her in both St. Paul and Minneapolis. And we need her help very much now to encourage all advocates of peace.

The annual meeting of the State Peace So occurs within about 4 weeks. She would inspire the members to continue their good work. As the Pres. Dr Cyrus Northrup now 81 years of age lives here near the Univ. of which he was [Pres] many years -- that annual meeting will be in this city. We have 200 members of the Am. Peace So -- in our city section [or] Minneapolis Peace So -- of which I am Sec. Treas. Our [1st] annual meeting comes on March 2.

I hope most heartily Miss Addams can give us a date -- soon.

Very Sincerely

Mary C. Judd

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