Harriet Park Thomas to Jane Addams, March 24, 1917


My dear Miss Addams:

We are all greatly rejoiced over the news of your steady improvement. I hope very much that you will come home by way of Washington. I am charged with an especial message to you from Jeannette Rankin, who wants to confer with you as to the most valuable work she can do for peace during the coming extra session. I did not see her when she was here, but she talked with Miss Abeel and impressed herself as an ardent pacifist and as most devoutly anxious to serve the cause of peace while in Congress. I do not believe you could do a more valuable thing [than] to come to Washington for the express purpose of talking with Jeannette Rankin.

I have written to Mrs. Upton and to Mrs. Moore enclosing the New York Resolution, as you request.

Certainly I shall go back to Washington if you and the Executive Board decide that I can be of the greatest value there, so I shall plan to leave about the second of April. I believe the first days will be occupied in the organization of the House and in the appointment of Committees, so that I do not think it is important that I should be there before the fourth or fifth. However, I shall hold myself in readiness to start at any time, if Mrs. [Hallinan] indicates that I ought to be on the ground.

Miss Breckinridge wrote to Mrs. Catt, as an individual suffragist and not as a member of the Woman's Peace Party, protesting against her action in offering the services of the National for war and relief work. I understand that Mrs. Catt in her reply requested that her name be taken off the letter-heads of the Woman's Peace Party. I believe Miss Breckinridge has passed this correspondence on to Mrs. Mead, as Secretary. I am writing to Mrs. Mead by this mail and will ask her to consult with you, if she has not already written to Mrs. Catt.

I will write you full information in regard to my movements and as to my location in Washington, so that we may always be in communication.

Affectionately always,

Miss Jane Addams,
Oakland, Florida.