Jane Addams to Myra Harriet Reynolds Linn, February 14, 1917



My dear Myra

I am sending you ↑one↓ of Marcet's fairy books which Stanley may like to have read to him because he knows all the places of the story -- perhaps Jane will like it some day.

I hope all goes well with our dear boy and that the weather is also better. [page 2] I am sure you would let me know in case there was any real set-back or threatened relapse -- you will write me too won't you of the furniture birthday presents which I will birthday presents for this year to the entire family,

stove to Jane!

Couch to Myra!

hammock to Stanley! [page 3]

My doctor has gotten tired of my bronchitis and has said that I must go south. Fortunately he lets me go via New York where I have committee meetings Feby 21st & 22d, Mary Smith meets me a week or ten days later and we go to Florida together. We will be back by April 1st and any letters sent to Hull-House or here ([perhaps?] Walton Place [page torn] [page 4] will be promptly forwarded.

It would be very nice to be going to Cal. again but that does not seem quite feasible for this year.

With much love to the family and a special measure for our convalescent, I am always your loving aunt

Jane Addams

Feby 14" 1917