Jane Addams to Stanley Ross Linn, February 3, 1917



My dear Stanley

It is awfully nice to think of you as well enough to want a letter for yourself. For so long a time I have thought of you as feeling as I did through my typhoid fever as much too restless and wretched to want to make any exertion. When Myra wrote that you were getting ready for [convalescence], it gave me a great sense of relief & joy. [page 2] I have been in bed myself for a week with bronchitis which explains the use of a pencil instead of a pen. I am better and hope to be up in a few days.

I am sure that you mean to be careful when you are at last allowed to go back to the ranch. Please don't go back to work until you are quite able, have some one else plant the trees and do the other hard work. Please use the last check for those things and then send me a [page 3] rough account of the financial status, I will do what I can to make up what you have lost through your illness in your own salary and the extra work required on the ranch. It will take a long time before you will feel like yourself again and you must not hurry your recovery nor force your strength.

Myra's letters about Jane are very reassuring and I am sure the little girl is going to grow and thrive from now on. [page 4]

I shall have to think of you both as on the porch of the new house getting well in the Calif sun & fresh air.

With the very best love to you, Dear, and to the baby and Myra, Always your loving Aunt

Jane Addams.

Feby 3d 1917

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