Eva Perry Moore to Jane Addams, December 26, 1916

National Council of Women

St. Louis, Dec. 26/16.

Miss Jane Addams,
President, Woman's Peace Party,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss Addams:

It is a great pleasure to note your re-election as President of the Woman's Peace Party, news of which has just come to me from Mrs. Spencer. I had been waiting to hear from her in regard to the official proceedings of your Convention, in order to tell you of our great pleasure in the affiliation of the Woman's Peace Party with the National Council of Women.

We are hoping that the women of the United States will be ready to assist the women of the world when we are most needed, and I am sure this is your great hope.

Wishing you all possible interest in the year 1917, and the return to your former splendid health, I am,

Very truly yours,

Eva Perry Moore. [signed]