Jane Addams to Eve Watson-Schütze, October 30, 1916


October 20th, 1916

My dear Mrs. Schütze:

I hope very much that you will not resign from the Arts Committee of which you have been the one vigorous and able member.

The reading list which was distributed to the General Federation of Women’s Clubs was made by Miss Gale, who is, as you know, Chairman of the Committee for the Stimulation of a Peace Propaganda throughout Existing Organizations. It was, of course, in line with her committee work that she should distribute these to the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. She found it impossible to get adequate representation on the program for the cause of Peace and hoped that these lists might be of value. All this was quite within the scope of her Committee.

I hope very much that you will let me add some books to the list which you submitted for publication some weeks ago. It was discussed for a few minutes at our meeting in Boston. Everyone felt that the list good, but inadequate because it did not give some of the best books which have come out recently. I am sure that if you would let me talk it over with you, you would understand our position, which is not one of criticism, but comes from the desire to make the list as representative as possible.

Please reconsider your intimation that you contemplated leaving the Committee and give me a chance to talk with you. [page 2]

I would have answered your letter before but I had an idea that you would be in Chicago and that I would have the opportunity of seeing you soon. I hope you will be in Chicago soon. But if not, may I send you the list I had in mind and see if you are willing to add some of them to the list.

With cordial greetings to you and to Mr. Schütze, I am,

Affectionately yours,

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