Augusta Nusbaum Rosenwald to Jane Addams, November 21, 1916


November 21st 1916.

4901 Ellis Avenue.

My dear Miss Addams.

You made me very happy, when you sent me an inscribed copy of your new book. The inscription, along with the pleasant recollection of having heard Miss Smith read from the original manuscript, [page 2] make the book a precious and cherished possession. I have already started to read the book & find myself getting a new point of view, on the value of memory & folk-lore, & the important place they hold in the minds <& lives> of people of limited opportunities, or who lead lives of seclusion. Such must be the state of mind of the women of this country who live in very small towns, more so in former days than now when the telephone, Ford machine, mail order [catalogs] and parcel [page 3] post can bring them in contact with the outer world & there is more of interest in their lives than hanging over a back fence gossiping with the next door neighbor or sitting on the back porch in a rocking chair & twirling their thumbs. We just returned from a most interesting nine day visit in New York City. My absence from the [page 4] city is the cause of this tardy [acknowledgment] of your kindness. Mr Rosenwald & I are hoping we might have you with us, for a meal in our home. Do you feel yourself strong enough to come to us some evening & if not an evening, perhaps some Sunday noon. We hope that you are keeping up the good work of getting well & strong. Our affectionate Greetings to you & Miss Smith. Gratefully & Sincerely Yours

Augusta N. Rosenwald

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