Jane Addams to Anna Marcet Haldeman-Julius, August 30, 1916

Hull's Cove Maine
Aug 30th 1916

My dear Marcet

I am so glad that Orville [will] be paroled, perhaps pardoned, and above all that Mrs McCormick isn't to go ["in."?] I am sending you my congratulations with all my heart.

I am always distressed when you and Mary have a misunderstanding. I think that we must all remember that we are indebted to her not only for her management of the place and for her nursing, but for the constant affection and good will which keeps your grandmother happy as well as comfortable.

Sarah Hostetter and Sue Mackay [came] [page 2] a few days ago for a little visit. Sue, you know has recently lost her husband and I hoped we might be of some comfort to her during the first few weeks of blackness.

Sarah feels very strongly that the nurse who is there now should [stay], that Mary's back is showing the effects of so much lifting -- I do wish that a nurse might be retained as a settled policy and provided for even if it takes more than the $300.00 a month.

I feel quite unable to go into the automobile matter, but I am sure you don't want to use any arguments that look like dictation from one holding the purse and that the case [page 3] ought to be discussed on its merits.

Mary has lived in the old house ever since she was twelve years old, longer and more continuously than any of us ever did and it seems to me that we ought to take any mistakes and failings as we do those of a member of the family -- as if a break were impossible. So endeth the sermon!

The playground plan is fine and I can well understand from old experience that it is costly.

I wish very much that you would put the [$35.00?] a month, or rather count it off into this community service and call that bargain at an end. I am sure I can manage and your house keeping must make a great difference in your experience. [page 4] A wedding changes all sorts of bargains in a perfectly honorable way.

By the way, Mr Jacob Schiff is very much interested in your marriage [illegible] as he has been in your banking. Mary Smith told him of your paper on "The People's Bank" [etc.] and he asked me to give him a copy. I haven't any here with me and I should be very glad indeed if you would send me one. He is the same kindly old gentleman that he has always been and we have seen him quite often this summer. Mr and Mrs Julius Rosenwald spent a few days with us, and he quite walked Mr Rosenwald into a decline, [although] he is a good walker himself. [page 5]

How about the possible visit from you and [Emanuel] to Hull's Cove this year? We will be here certainly until the tenth of October and possibly later and it would be no end nice to have you come and be thoroughly cooled off after your hot summer. Do consider it and write when you can come!

Were my worst fears realized and is there no air chamber above your rooms?

I have never written to Stanley about the piano, so please don't have that on your list of things that have to be done promptly, it will be a surprise whenever it comes. They are very happy just now building their own bungalow. I sold my small bit of land at [page 6] Lakeside Michigan for $3500 -- with which they are starting in on their own bit of land next door to the ranch upon which Stanley is foreman. They are very happy with the jolly baby who seems to thrive in the most exemplary manner.

I am still kept a captive with a trained nurse and not allowed to go [on] such excursions as Mary Smith is taking this moment with the Hostetter cousins and Eleanor Smith who has just arrived. Mary [niece?] Sally has gone off on a long walk and outdoor lunch with a young man, so that the house is very quiet. I hope not so quiet and uninterrupted that this letter has become interminable.

Please give my love to [Emanuel], I never [page 7] wrote of him of my pleasure in the plays he sent me, perhaps we can exchange new books a little later. I have just corrected my first proof and I hope that his is coming soon.

With much love to you darling, I am

Always your devoted aunt

Jane Addams.