Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Rebecca Shelley, November 9, 1916


My dear Miss Shelly:

Miss Addams has asked me to write to you in reference to the letter which you wished to have sent out to the women's clubs with a covering letter signed by herself. She wrote to you in reference to this, expressing her willingness to do so and suggesting that Miss Gale sign the letter with her and at the same time she wrote to Miss Gale in reference to the matter, but she has heard nothing from Miss Gale who has been traveling a good deal, I know, and who is, I believe, in New York.

Perhaps you can see Miss Gale and talk the matter over with her. Miss Addams suggests that in the meantime, if you wish it, she would be glad to send out a letter signed by herself, together with the appeal, to all the members of the Woman's Peace Party.

We have been able to distribute quite a number of your petitions from this office to people who expressed an interest in this work. One woman who was in was very anxious to have the petitions translated into German and French and I suggested that she write to you in reference to this. Probably you have already heard from her.

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Miss Rebecca Shelly,
70 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.

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