Richard C. Cabot to Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, ca. October 1912


Dear Miss Breckinridge:

Yes -- I will give 4 lectures on 2 days as part of your course -- Medical Agents and Social Work to be the topics. As pay, I should like to suggest one thing that I want [above] all -- a talk with Miss Addams. I keep meeting her in crowds and reading what she writes but though I have enjoyed her hospitality at Hull House, I have never yet had a chance to talk with her alone. Do you think you could secure me an hour, say in January 1913? I suggest that month because it will give her a chance to recover from the fatigues of the autumn's campaigning but if any other month would suit her better, I will come at her convenience.

Otherwise, what I like best is to be worked, not entertained while I am in Chicago and the chance to see Miss Addams is what to most desire.

Yours sincerely,

Richard C. Cabot/

P.S. I shall be here 3 weeks -- address as above -- then in Boston -- address as envelope.
