Addison Charles Thomas to Jane Addams, March 31, 1916


Mch 31

Miss Jane Addams,
c/o The Hull House

My dear Madam:

I am enclosing extracts from the leader in the April number of [Everybody's] magazine. Much of that number is devoted to other political communications that are significant, and worth reading in connection with the manuscript sent you recently. Mr Warren Worth Bailey one of the Penna. [congressmen], next to Bryan would make a strong Presidential candidate & if neither of these men are available there are many other able men connected with this movement that are fit for the Presidential chair.

I see from Mondays daily news that the President has challenged us to hire a hall etc etc to expound peace doctrine. In all the eastern and central western cities where the meetings are held the demand for a new party should be sounded in no unmistakable terms, making the preservation of the "Little brick school house" the Key note.

Yours Very truly

Addison C Thomas.

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