Jane Addams to Benjamin W. Huebsch, September 21, 1916


Sept 21" 1916


My dear Mr Huebsch

The reports of Mde Schwimmer's role in the Ford enterprise have been so contradictory from people whose [judgment] I respect, that I do not feel qualified to give the opinion you ask.

Personally I have a great liking for Mde Schwimmer, a genuine admiration for her capacity and of course I have had no reason to doubt her integrity. [page 2] That however does not qualify me to give "the disinterested credential" you have in mind.

One can only use such conscience as one [possesses] in these troublous times which will certainly be made no better by new injustices, however small. I am sure you realize that I decline your request with genuine regret.

Faithfully yours

Jane Addams.

To Mr B. W. Huebsch
New York

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