Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Miss Hamilton, June 15, 1916


June 15th, 1916.

My dear Miss Hamilton:

Miss Addams has asked that I send you a few of the more recent publications which we have in this office for distribution, and I take pleasure in sending these under separate cover. I hoped to have quite a bit of material on the Japanese situation which has been sent to me from Dr. Sidney L. Gulick, but unfortunately this was sent by express and has been delayed on account of the express strike, so I am not able to include this. I am, however, enclosing a copy of the bibliography, "Internationalism and the Federation of the World," which we had printed in a large quantity to distribute at the Biennial in New York.

I am also enclosing a copy of a pamphlet issued recently by Mrs. Mead, "What Young People Ought to Know about War and Peace," which seems to me to contain very constructive suggestions to teachers along the line of Internationalism. I believe personally that this work with the youth of the country in the training along International lines is one of the most important tasks ahead of us. I would be willing to concede to the militarists their big army and navy plan if in return I could substitute instruction in internationalism for military training in the schools.

Miss Addams had two very hard days last week with the Board meeting and the delegates to the Congress After the War, but she seems very well indeed.

With best wishes, I am

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

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