Dane Swan Dunlop to Jane Addams, October 10, 1916


Oct. 10, 1916.

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House

Dear Madam, --

The Farmers' National Congress meets in Indianapolis, Ind. Oct 17-20, 1916. I would like to get a peace resolution adopted and believe you are the Woman's Peace Party president. Could you send a letter addressed to the convention thanking the farm voters for the aid the rural vote has been to temperance, woman suffrage, political reforms, and asking that we contribute our support to the great present issue of forming an emphatic anti-militarism public sentiment? The women's session is 2 P.M. Thursday Oct. 19. I am not a woman but one of the men delegates. Send your letter in care of W.C.T.U. or some friend or myself at the Denison Hotel in Indianapolis or if in time to Greencastle.


Dane S. Dunlop,
Rural Route 7,

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