Jane Addams to Anna Marcet Haldeman-Julius, June 2, 1916


June 2d 1916


My dear Marcet

Dorothy North has just told me all about the wedding and has made me more rebellious than ever, if that was possible.

Dr. Dudley has just left and for the present we are all so reassured that I hope to be able to travel in course of time!

Friday June 9th and Saturday June 10th are the only two days that I have appointments for. On Friday we have a meeting of the Executive Board of the Woman's Peace Party here [page 2] at Mrs Bowen's and the next day the Executive Board meets with fifteen other women who expect to go abroad to the Conference "after the war." Both of them will be all day sessions, [although] I am supposed to retire from time to time for in between rests.

Can't you and Julius come for Sunday the 11th, that would be a fine day for our luncheon and a nice long afternoon for a visit. Must you get back before the afternoon of the 12th?

It is too bad to bother you with dates like this in the midst of a period [which] must [page 3] seem dateless and timeless, but do drop me a line about it.

It was dear of you both to call me up at the moment. I was feeling rather [triste?] and forlorn and was much cheered by our little talk. Bless you darling. Give my love to your grandmother and to your husband, to Mary and to the household which I want [so] very much to join.

Always yours, J Addams

P.S. I am so sorry about the bungled cards. I was so sure Mary Smith understood it.