Jane Addams to Sarah Hostetter, August 2, 1916

Hulls Cove Maine
or Bar Harbor [Maine]

My dear Sarah

I have just written to Sue begging that you and she will come to see us for a few weeks in August or Sept. This place is so beautiful that it might bring her a little comfort, and it would be my pride and joy to do anything possible to help her through this dark time.

I was so shocked and grieved to hear of cousin Henry's death and I feel so useless and far away, unless you can bring her here. [page 2]

Our household is always quiet, but more so than usual this year owing to my invalid's regimen.

If I may speak of the practical side of the trip, there are round trip tickets from Chicago to Bar Harbor for $34.00 good for thirty days with all sorts of stopover privileges.

Please do try to come together any time after the fifteenth of August will be perfectly convenient for us.

If you can't come yourself will you try to induce Sue to come with Catherine or Miss Partello.

I want you both very much but [page 3] above all I want to be of some little service to Sue, if I can.

Always, dear Sarah, I am unchangingly and affectionately yours Jane Addams

Aug 2d 1916


Our post office is either Hull's Cove or Bar Harbor, we are only a few minutes from the latter.