Harriet Park Thomas to Jane Addams, July 27, 1916


My dear Miss Addams:

Mrs. Karsten has answered this letter saying that it would be referred to you. I think perhaps you would like to answer it directly instead of waiting for your return, so I am enclosing it.

I wonder if there is anything which you have not been invited to join. I am somewhat amused at the company you are being asked to keep in connection with the French Heroes Fund.

We are trying to arrange for some celebration of Sunday, August 6th, as memorial day. I hope it will be a success.

I was delighted to learn from your last letter to me that you were feeling so well and so encouraged. Such news brings happiness to a great many of us.

With love,

Miss Jane Addams,
c/o Mrs. Mary R. Smith,
[Bar] Harbor, Maine.

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