Lillian D. Wald to Jane Addams, May 6, 1916


May 6th, 1916.

Dear Lady,

Why yes, do send Miss Shelly, we will be glad to take care of her and do what we can for her.

I want you to absolve me from any recommendation of that wireless to the Austrian Emperor. It was R. R. Bowker who was anxious to have such a message sent, and not I.

You probably know how we finally got wireless messages and cables to Austria through [Bernstorff] and the German Embassy. It occurred to me that our most powerful friends would be the Germans or German-Americans themselves. Acting upon this inspiration I approached Mr. Ridder of the Staats-Zeitung and urged him, on behalf of the leading Germans or this country, to see [Bernstorff] and explain to him how the Germans themselves would view with anxiety any fatal decision in regard to Miss Masaryk. Meantime, we persuaded Colonel House to go and see [Bernstorff] and impress him with the urgency of our appeal, and since then Mrs. Paul Warburg, through Mr. Schiff, obtained an interview with [Bernstorff] and the Austrian Charge d'affaires, and we have now been able to definitely [ascertain] that wireless messages and cables have been sent to Austria, through Germany, by [Bernstorff] and Mr. Ridder.

I feel that we have now done everything we could think of to help Alice Masaryk and that we can only wait patiently for news. I would like to add that Mr. Ridder was emphatic in asserting that he personally did not believe the [rumor] of Alice Masaryk's execution, if only for the good reason that it would have been practically impossible to have received this news so soon.

Affectionately yours,

Miss Jane Addams,
1430 Astor Street,
Chicago, Ill.