Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Annie B. Whitner, March 28, 1916


March 28th, 1916.

My dear Mrs. [Whitner]:

In Miss Addams' absence from the city your card asking about membership in the Woman's Peace Party has been referred to this office, and I take pleasure in enclosing herewith a copy of our Constitution and Congressional Program. These will give you such information as you wish and I hope that we may soon enroll you as a member of the Woman's Peace Party, and perhaps you may be able to interest some club in Roanoke to affiliate with our organization.

I am sending you under separate cover some material which we have for distribution and would call special attention to the recent Hearing of Miss Jane Addams' before the House Committee on Military Affairs, and to the article by Dr. Hardin and the reprint from the Atlantic Monthly. These, I believe, will interest you especially.

Hoping to hear from you soon, I am

Very sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Mrs. Annie B. [Whitner],
Route 3,
Roanoke, Virginia.