Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Anne S. Hall, July 11, 1916


July 11th, 1916.

My dear Miss Hall:

Miss Addams is away from the city now and for some time her condition has been such that she is spared in every way possible, so your letter in reference to the Fair at Cincinnati has been referred to this office for answer. We are very much interested in your description of the Peace booth which you expect to have at the Country Fair and I am sure it will be a great success.

Last March we had a booth in an exposition in the Coliseum here in Chicago and we spent considerable time arranging it. Mrs. Martin Schütze, who is Chairman of our Arts Committee, arranged a frieze composed of the illustrations of that wonderfully decorative book "The Ballet of the Nations" arranged with panels of orange card board. We still have that material and if you think you could use it, we would be very glad to send it to you. It covers a strip about one foot wide and about twenty-four feet long, but of course this can be broken at any place or made longer or wider by making the orange panels either wider or narrower.

Mrs. Schütze used the deep blue and white bunting to form the background of our booth, making the main background of the white with narrow panels of the deep blue. I enclose a sample of this blue which is, I believe our color. We placed, also, pots of deep blue cinerarias in front of each orange panel and the effect was very good.

We distributed a great amount of literature at this booth and we were most pleased at the eagerness with which people took it and returned in many cases for additional material. We gave out our dodgers, samples of which I enclose, to everyone who passed and if they showed an inclination to stop and talk and take a serious interest in our work, we gave them more material. I should be very glad indeed to send you a package of material for distribution in case you wish me to do so. This will cost you only the transportation charges.

We found anything with an illustration on it was effective and our post cards as [long] as we could afford to give them [out] were eagerly sought. I am enclosing samples of two [page 2] post cards. The one in [gray] I can furnish you at a very low rate, $.50 a hundred and the one containing the design similar to the pin we have to ask $15.0 a hundred for. We found that we could sell a great many of the cheap two cent peace pins, and quite a number of the fifteen cent pins.

I am also sending you under separate cover a copy of the recently published "Congressional Magazine" which sells wonderfully well. This sells, as you see, for ten cents a copy but we can let you have it for four cents so that your profit will be considerable in case you are able to sell a number of them and I believe you will find it takes very well.

As to pennants, I am afraid I have no suggestions to offer but from your letter I am sure you do not need any assistance along that line.

During June we had the "War-Against-War" exhibit which attracted so much attention in New York here in Chicago and had noon day speaking every day from [twelve] to two. We found that in case we could arrange to have good speakers come each noon, speakers who are able to talk about topics of the time such as the Mexican situation, that these noon day meetings are very successful. You have so many excellent speakers in Cincinnati you ought to be able to work this feature up without any trouble.

In case you want some charts to use in your booth, we have quite a number which could be shipped to you. These contain statements by various authorities similar to the sentiments on the cards which I enclose.

Please write us again if we can be of any help to you. We are very much interested in any undertaking of this sort and want to help all we can.

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Miss Anne Hall,
Rochelle St.,
Mount Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio.

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