Anne S. Hall to Jane Addams, July 8, 1916

Rochelle Street, --
Mount Auburn,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
July eighth,
Miss Jane Addams.
The Woman's
Peace Party.

My dear Miss Addams:

Though forces of evil seem stronger than those of Right -- it does not do to remain inactive. [page 2]

Like other cities -- Cincinnati "lost its head" on "Preparedness" scheme. Though odds are against us we "must fight on -- fight ever."

When the Suffrage Cause was in battle array in this State -- our Slogan: "Ohio Next." I paid all expenses of "The Suffrage Booth" at the Hamilton [page 3] County Fair grounds and it was not unpleasant when told it was "the prettiest booth" on.

It is my aim to have the "Peace Booth" the most attractive and am writing for suggestives.

I want card-board "Peace Doves" -- not small but natural size -- with Olive branch in [page 4] bill -- many of them -- to suspend by invisible threads from inner part of top -- so they will sway with every stir of wind. National colors will be in profusion and suitable leaflets will be distributed. My assistants will be asked to wear white with sash of red, white and blue and [page 5] Liberty Cap. Am writing for your opinion concerning my ideas and shall be appreciative of suggestions.

Went to one of the recruiting offices last week and expressed my feelings -- as much as language can voice that which is intensely deep.

Latter part of week -- July first -- The officer and I happened to meet [page 6] in Deposit Department of a bank. To my surprise the officer said his Mother and sister are in sympathy with that for which I stand.

Asking him if he thought they would assist at the Carthage Fair Booth, answered "Yes" and gave me their address and shall [page 7] certainly communicate with them.

Mail with this the Hamilton County Fairbook wherein you will see what may be termed The Chain of Ohio fairs. Do you think women of respective stations -- intended to say sections -- would take up the matter and support a "Peace [page 8] Booth" at each fair?

Would be glad to have suggestions for pennants keeping to the National colors. Red ones -- or red and white with blue lettering. Blue pennants with lettering in red and white.

Would you advise that literature for distribution be confined to addresses of Congressmen who have been on our side?


[written in right margin] (Miss) Anne S. Hall.

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