Cassen Eugene Parsons to Jane Addams, April 21, 1916

April 21st., 1916
Miss Jane Addams,
Woman's Peace Party,
116 South Michigan Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois,

Dear Miss Addams: --

I am taking the opportunity to write you owing in part to the fact of the knowledge of a well-planned and thus far successful campaign to prevent the militarist party securing control of the Government through Presidential nominations, to emphasize the opportunity we have to forestall seizure of the position due to the [armed-ship?] crisis.

The movement ↑(former)↓ to hold the fort for peace centers in Detroit, and will doubtless be unfolded in due time. The plan for preventing Wilson usurping the rights of the nation, and precipitating an uncalled for war, over the "right", of Americans, and of other neutrals to travel upon belligerent war-ships, of but one of the [factions] at war, is nation wide. Doubtless you are setting the machinery of the Woman's Peace Party in operation. [page 2] Mr. Bryan is in Washington, and Mr. Ford in New York City, strengthening peace defenses. Cannot the [sense?] of Congress be upheld now by concerted popular action, due to pacifist leadership.

Yours for peace,

C. E. Parsons [signed]
For American Peace Society.
840 [Cass] Avenue.

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