Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, May 12, 1916


May 12, 1916

Dear Lady: --

A new point has lately been made in regard to the Neutral Conference that we have so long hoped the President would call officially, and. Three or four people have suggested that there is no doubt that if the country is at war before the November election Wilson will be [reelected] on the general principle of not wishing to swap horses in the middle of the stream. But, of course, the same thing would be attained if we were in the midst of negotiations; while it could not be put so bluntly as that, and while it would be most unfortunate to have that presented as the motive, yet if it could be presented to someone near the throne it might possibly become a determining factor.

I had a talk with Mr. Battin yesterday; he sails again on the 27th of May. He seems to [page 2] confirm what Dr. Jacobs and the rest said -- that Holland would be willing to call such a Conference if she could be assured of the [cooperation] of the United States. There are other straws which are rather too complicated to write about, but if you should have a chance sometime to talk with Mr. Crane or Mr. Brandeis or someone else of the administration without being too officially in it, it might be of some value.

I have been in bed this week getting over another slight hemorrhage but am getting better and hope to be up again very soon. We are so glad that you are coming to Chicago. Don't you think you would like to come Convention week and march in the Parade and see all the big doings!

Always devotedly yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Miss Lillian D. Wald
New York, N.Y.