Eleanor Daggett Karsten to James Robert Matthews, February 19, 1916


February 19th, 1916

My dear Mr. [Matthews]:

Your request for literature in reference to "Preparedness" has been forwarded to this office from Hull-House <Washington> and we take great pleasure in sending you under separate cover some literature which we hope will be of use to you.

We have included in this package one pamphlet by Oswald G. Villard, for which the usual charge is ten cents. If you care to remit this amount, we should be very glad to have you do so, but please keep the article anyway. We think it an especially good one.

The Debater's Handbook on Military Training, published by Miss Corinne Bacon, may be secured from the American Peace Society, Colorado Building, Washington, D.C., price $.25. A similar work on National Defense may be secured from the same organization for $1.00 <.25>.

If there is any other way in which this office can be of assistance, please call upon us without any hesitancy. We are always glad to help.

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Mr. James R. [Matthews],
806 East [Ninth] Avenue,
Charlotte, North Carolina.