Jane Addams to Edith Abbott, March 8, 1916


March 8" 1916

My dear Miss Abbott:

I think that 15000 copies would be the safest order and I really do not need to see the proof. It was a mean job to leave in your hands and I know how slow a thing is that involves the activity of so many people.

I am quite excited about the notion for a central workshop for crippled children at H.H. Perhaps we could modify the trade school plan somewhat and still another possibility occurs to me of which I will talk when I see you in less than a month. Please don't let Mrs Urie escape us, of course the usual [room?] to H. H. with her Montessori School.

I am really feeling lots better the last week and am for the first time quite encouraged.

With love to Miss Breckinridge & to [the others?] I am always devotedly yours Jane Addams

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