Jane Addams to Mary Fry, May 12, 1916


My dear Mary:

Mary Smith and I had planned to come to Cedarville last week but a slight hemorrhage put me to bed again and I am only just beginning to sit up. I am feeling a good deal better for the rest and hope that next time nothing will interfere with that long deferred visit.

Marcet telegraphed Dorothy North last night that she was coming to spend Sunday in Chicago. She said that [Mrs.] Michelson was in St. Luke's Hospital. I will, of course, see as much of her as possible and [then] write you of our plans. I think there is no doubt we will come the last of this next week. I am putting it the end of the week to be quite sure I shall be over this little setback.

Please give my love to the dear invalid and tell her how [page 2] sorry I am that I have had to postpone things so many times. Cedarville must be very charming just now -- I am very impatient to see it and the dear people who live there.

Always affectionately yours,

[Jane Addams] [signed]

May 12, 1916.