A Bulletin Relating to Present Evil Conditions, January 1916


Bulletin No. 4, January, 1916 [image: No one should again vote tll first having read The Remedy]

A Bulletin 

Relating to Present Evil Conditions

Published by The Committee, Room 222 Midland Building, Kansas City, Mo.

Wm. H. Harvey, Chairman.     Wm. Huttig, Treasurer.     F. A. Davis, Secretary.
Judge J. M. Lowe, President Old Trails Road Association; Wm. Huttig, President of the National Reserve Bank, Kansas City, Mo.; J. A. Harzfeld, attorney, and, President of the Kansas City Club; Frank W. Buffum, State Highway Commissioner, Jefferson City, Mo.; R. E. Stafford, Editor of the Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Wm. H. Harvey, Author of The Remedy; Perry N. Clark, Cashier Farmers State Bank, Rogers, Ark.; Rev. Dr. George H. Combs, Pastor of the Independence Boulevard Christian Church, Kansas City, Mo.; Rabbi H. H. Mayer, of Kansas City, Mo.; T. Clark Atkeson, Master of the West Virginia State Grange, Buffalo, W. Va.; Charles Henry Davis, C. E. "Elmwood," Cambridge, Massachusetts; and Arthur Capper, Governor of Kansas, Topeka.*

The attention of all thinking people is invited to this leaflet. Without taking sides on the question of military or physical preparedness to ward off temporary threatened danger, we are promoting a method of preparedness, for hereafter, that admits of practical application, and, in time, will put an end to wars, create economic and social justice and points the way to a higher and better civilization. Without the consideration of that to which we invite your attention, wars and industrial and social disorder will continue to the end of time. Our method, our plan, is presented in a book, entitled The Remedy, written by one of the committee. Its application will not disturb business, will gradually restore confidence in each other; and makes probable and then certain, legislation, national and international, that will set the world right. It is a solvent that will solve all questions and bring all [warring] factions in industrial and social problems in harmony. A babble of tongues is now heard around the world. We believe the solution presented in the book, which is a prospectus of this movement, will be approved by all thinking people. The leaders of present activity are too busy with questions and details pressing for immediate attention, to weigh and consider a new subject. And for this reason all new movements must originate with the people. We ask you to inform yourself and then give us your assistance.


Morris Sheppard, U.S. Senator for Texas: "I have read with unusual and growing interest the notable work entitled 'The Remedy.' I do not hesitate to say that if the people will adopt the suggestions conveyed by 'The Remedy,' they will be fundamentally and permanently uplifted. [page 2] It hits upon the foundation stones of civilization, and on these our civilization must find a resting place or totter to destruction. I wish it unqualified success."

William Huttig, President National Reserve Bank, Kansas City, Mo.: "I believe that a careful reading of 'The Remedy' this winter, by a majority of the men and women of Kansas City, will insure an honest election next Spring and a pure municipal government. And the same would be true, in my opinion, of any other city and of the nation."

Judge J. M. Lowe, President, National Old Trails Road Association, Kansas City, Mo.: "'The Remedy,' like all great discoveries, is so simple and so true that we only wonder that it had not occurred to all of us. It is the one real practical solution of the difficulties which [afflict] all mankind. It has laid the ax to the root of the tree of evil. It may take time to consummate its purpose -- no matter -- it is the greatest work, and the best, ever undertaken, and will receive the support of every thoughtful person who has regard for the common welfare."

C. B. Pash, Railroad Promoter, Wichita Falls, Texas: "'The Remedy' hits upon a solution of organized effort to place citizenship upon a high plane. Its graphic diagnosis of our prevailing ills will impress any reader of the book that unless something is engrafted on our system of education and government that departed civilizations did not have, that nothing exists to preserve us from their fate. The remedy you provide, so forcibly and so logically, has the merit of offering a common ground where all can meet for the Common Good without disturbing the religious or political conviction of anyone. I congratulate the committee on this movement and my Yuletide Greeting is the wish that 'The Remedy' will have a million circulation in 1916."

Rev. Dr. Geo. H. Combs, Pastor Independence Boulevard Christian Church, Kansas City, Mo.: "This thing the 'Remedy' is trying to do is the most worth while thing in all the world. If this or some like movement does not succeed then -- the deluge! It gave me pleasure to commend the book and its author in a recent sermon and I make bold to suggest to my fellow ministers that by a like commendation they may tremendously forward the movement."

The name of each person ordering the book direct of the committee, will be put on our mailing list, and will receive all future numbers of the Bulletin, thus keeping posted as to the progress of the movement.

Clark Atkeson, Master West Virginia State Grange, Buffalo, W. Va.: "It is a wonderful conception."

Charles Henry Davis, C. E., Cambridge, Mass.: "After reading the book from cover to cover, I believe it is absolutely sound. I do not see why teaching character building is not just as much a science as psychology or some of the other high sounding courses given in our Universities. It is, obviously, also of greater moral purpose; and it should be a definite course of instruction from the time a child begins to think, clear through his or her school days. After that character will be so firmly formed as to be traveling on the right road."

J. W. Kimmons, Farmer, Las Vegas, Texas: "I regard it as the best and most practical book that I ever read. My wife made the remark, when I [page 3] had finished reading it aloud to her, that if the organization is perfected as the book contemplates, it will be the greatest blessing that has ever been to humanity."

C. M. Cade, Cashier State National Bank, Shawnee, Okla.: "The best chapter of The Remedy is Chapter 6 'Twenty Years Hence.' This Chapter should be read carefully, and reread, by every one. There is more in the book to cause the people to think than any book I ever read. The commencing, the future as portrayed, and the ending of the book is grand. I hope every one will read it."

The committee would have the book used as a family text book till its teachings are familiar to each member of the family; and would have character building as presented by the book taught in all the schools. Character teaching is a science, and to be effective, must have a definite course of instruction, that convinces the one taught that happiness and contentment is promoted thereby.

Rabbi Emanuel Sternheim, Baton Rouge, La.: "I am going to do all that is possible for 'The Remedy.'"

I. I. Cammack, Superintendent for Schools for Kansas City, Mo.: "No education, however thorough, complete and profound, prepares for the highest service in our civilization unless fortified and completed by sound moral character. The position taken in 'The Remedy' is fundamental and cannot be successfully controverted. The book, in my judgment, will assist powerfully in bringing the work of the public schools to a higher plane. I wish it every success and shall do all in my power to assist."

A benefactor of education, a citizen of Missouri who requests his name withheld, recently purchased 2,500 of the books and had them given to teachers attending the Missouri State School Teachers' Convention.

Colonel James S. Lapsley, Police Commissioner, Kansas City, Mo.: "Much has been said that is commendatory of 'The Remedy', all of which I approve. What I want to say, especially, is that all office holders of every kind and description ought to read the book; and Chapter 5 should receive their most careful consideration."

Miss Stella Jenkins, President Kansas City Branch National Woman's Peace Party, and Teacher in public schools of Kansas City, Mo.: "If the boys and girls now in the schools throughout the world could be given the training in character building described in the book entitled, 'The Remedy,' I believe that family quarrels and neighborhood feuds would be reduced to the minimum and civil and international wars would cease within the time of the next generation."

The committee requests each person reading this Bulletin to hand it to or mail it to some thinking person, that an endless chain, for a time, may be thus made of each Bulletin. A package of Bulletins will be sent you on request. Mr. Chas. L. Delbridge, 118 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. writes us for 2,000, of this Bulletin, saying that he can distribute them in his outgoing mail. The Bulletin is printed its present size to make it suitable to enclose in envelopes of the ordinary size used.

R. E. Stafford, Editor Oklahoman, Oklahoma City: "I am strongly impressed with 'The Remedy' and I shall take pleasure in lending whatever assistance I can to this movement."

A. L. Burney, President of the Bank of Harrisonville, Harrisonville, Mo.: "I have read the book entitled 'The Remedy' with unusual interest. A copy of it should be in the hands of every parent and every school teacher in this country. Its author has succeeded in putting in practical and attractive language a message [page 4] which means that wisdom is superior to knowledge, and that with all our getting we must get wisdom."

The book is elegantly bound in cloth, illustrated, 192 pages, price 50 cents only. If not to be had at news stand or book store, conveniently, or from an agent, write addressing, The Committee, Room 222, Midland Building, Kansas City, Mo., or the publishers, Mundus Publishing Company, 25 East Austin Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, [enclosing] 50 cents in post office or express money order, bank draft, personal check or stamps, and it will be promptly sent you post paid. Dealers can secure the book by ordering from their wholesale houses; [52] wholesale news and book houses are now handling the book. Agents, wishing to handle the book, will address The Committee, Room 222 Midland Building, Kansas City, Mo. Agents are wanted in all parts of the United States to whom liberal prices are made. The book is published cloth bound and durable, suitable for the family library and to be preserved, as a paper bound book would not be; and is sold at the lowest possible price to make its handling practicable. Books of equal manufacture are usually sold for $1.00.

Arthur Capper, Governor of Kansas: "I have read with deep interest the book entitled 'The Remedy.' It presents fundamental truths in a simple, concise way and will make profitable reading for all who are interested in better education and better government. I congratulate the author upon his success."

Frank W. Buffum, State Highway Commissioner, Jefferson City, Mo.: "I have purchased 100 of the little booklets, entitled 'Character Building' copied into and made part of 'The Remedy' and published separately, and have given them to a school in my home town at Louisiana, Mo. I advise that this be done by some one everywhere. In single copies they cost 10 cents each, only, and in lots of 100 6 cents each -- $6.00 for 100."

The price of the book, 'The Remedy', is only 50 cents, and when you have purchased a copy you are helping to finance the committee and are informing yourself on this movement.


The Kansas City Post.

"The Remedy" contains a valuable lesson and is a hint to educators which they should seize upon. If its teaching was countrywide, it would become effective within a generation without doubt. But its adoption even in an isolated way would be of great benefit. The color and sympathy of the minds of youth may be seized either for good or evil at the stages of most mobility. In school the average person has gained ideas which bob up in surprising fashion in after life and lay their impress so forcibly on action that it is truly amazing. Educators who have studied the German method of shooing an entire nation toward the adoption of unity of action in the various phases of life in which the Germanic government is interested will realize to the full the worth of Mr. Harvey's idea.

Butler, Missouri, Record

It is clearly and simply written and well printed. It discusses fundamental things in human nature, and the best thought and philosophy of the world is given a force and practical direction not to be found in all the tomes of the ages. It is systematic as well as simple; profound and scholarly -- a real school text book on good citizenship, and it is the best defense of democratic government extant. It should be used as a text book, not supplemental to, but along with our text books on civil government. It is a practical book -- not one of mere theories; and a generation educated in its principles will reform the world and become a real bulwark to democracy everywhere.

[*] As this movement grows others will be added to the committee till it is representative of all parts of the nation.