Amelia Sears to Lillie Price Hounsell, March 17, 1916.


March 17th, 1916.

Mrs. C. E. Hounsell,
R.D. #2.
Hood River, Oregon.

My dear Mrs. Hounsell: --

I regret exceedingly that your note to Miss Addams has remained unanswered so long. Miss Addams turned it over promptly to this organization and it was mislaid and I just came across it. You know I presume of Miss Addams illness this winter.

I am enclosing with this letter three copies of Miss Addams hearing before the Committee on Military Affairs. I am also sending your letter to the Woman's Peace Party with the request that they send you literature.

I realize this literature will come to you too late for the purpose you originally wanted it but possibly you can put it to some further use.

Again apologizing for the delay in replying to your letter and assuring you Miss Addams was in no way [to] blame, I remain

Very truly yours,
