Jane Addams to Landonia Randolph Minor Dashiell, February 4, 1916


My dear Mrs. Dashiell,

It is with great regret that we accept your resignation as State Chairman for Virginia. I appreciate the fact that you are very busy with local affairs and hesitate to take on further burdens. We find, however, in every community that it is the busy women who are continually doing new and progressive things.

I had hoped that you might be able to suggest someone active in the Woman's Club work who might be willing to take the position of Chairman for your state. We should be exceedingly grateful if you could send a few names of this sort.

Thanking you for what you have done to help us, and hoping to hear from you soon in regard to your successor, believe me

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. L. R. Dashiell,
920 West Grace Street,
Richmond, Va.