Emily Herey Denison to Jane Addams, December 27, 1915

1926 Argyle Street,
Butte Montana. Dec. 27th. 1915
Miss Jane Addams
Chairman, Woman's Peace Party,
Hull House Chicago.

My dear Miss Addams, --

I am enclosing you a copy of a letter that I have written in response to one I received from Mrs. Thomas [today].

In view of the enormous amount of work I have done covering several months, I am inclined to question the good intention of the letter I received [today].

The enclosed letter explains itself, and under what orders I proceeded to organize the work in this state, and I do not understand why this was not corrected some time ago, if a mistake had been made.

I ask you to investigate the matter since the secretary Mrs. Thomas asked me to report to a Mrs. Mitchell, when as a matter of record we are affiliated with the national organization, and need not in any way join any other organization unless we choose.

However the effort in the work so far, has done me much good, and I am an overworked woman at present, for I am putting in a system of playgrounds in our city and really have more than I ought to do. Still I look upon Mrs. Thomas' letter as unfair to me after all my labor, and would appreciate a personal investigation in the matter from you.

I hope you are strong again and that you will push the work in [contemplation]. With greetings for a Happy New Year, I beg to remain

Your [coworker],

Mrs. James Floyd Denison. [signed]


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