Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs to Jane Addams, December 23, 1915


AMSTERDAM, Dec. 23rd 1915

My dear friend,

How sorry I feel for your illness. If my prayers could help I would pray every day and the whole day to make you soon better. But I hope you will be prudent with your health. When I saw you the last day in New-York you did not at all look well. Your many good friends must take good care of you so that you soon again will be the young, happy and healthy-looking Jane Addams of before.

I received all your cables. It is for many reasons very good that the Intern. Comm. meeting is postponed. We will in no case hold it before you can come and preside it. It can easily wait some months.

The letter, Macmillan wrote you about, to Rosika Schwimmer, was [sent] from the office before I returned to Holland, otherwise it would never have happened. There are great troubles in all the belligerent countries to get our papers and printed matter forwarded to our friends, so that I proposed to stop the printing of the News Sheets, till perhaps soon the post will be easier. This is a good thing that our reports have been [sent].

Even not our German friends are allowed to pass the borders.

You never told us about your attitude towards the Ford's pilgrimage. Also nothing about the money. Must we accept the 20.000, if Rosika keeps for herself 100.000? It seems to me so unworthy. I hate this whole business. [page 2]

But not knowing how ill you are I will not trouble you more with questions. If you are not able to write, perhaps one of your many good friends will answer me in your name. In each case I must know as soon as possible how you are and I sincerely hope good news about your health will come.

Will you kiss your dear friend, Miss Smith, for me and tell her that in sleepless nights and even in nice dreams her I see her before me as a good angel. I love all your good friends.

I hope for the whole world that the new year will be a happier one than the one we have now nearly past.

I remain lovingly yours

Aletta H. Jacobs.

The letters on the Dutch and Scandinavian steamers are now and [then] opened too.