Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, May 30, 1902



Your mother says that there is only time for one more letter - It makes the coming home seem very near and my heart sings a song. I am better but still a little battered. I hope to be up to things next week when Miss Wald comes and we are planning many gaities among a day at Winnetka with the dear family. I have saved the clippings for you, but will send this one. They [come in] rather slowly which I am told is the way with books. Your letters have been a great pleasure & [all sound] as if the trip had been a great success. [page 2] Other foreign letters are coming in but none so cheerful as yours. This is Decoration Day and the horticultural committee are in the quadrangle washing off the leaves of the bushes and vines. They are really big enough to be washed with great vigor. I am sure you will be dazzled when you see the quad. Unless you have some notion of Southern luxuriance fixed in your mind. If you [want] to [loan?] the [flat?] to Miss Smith's mother and sister you can do it with a good conscience for it is really very nice.

Always and forever yours J.A.

Be sure & write or telegraph me from N.J. your exact train.

Love to Sister Eleanor.