Jane Addams to Julia Grace Wales, November 1, 1915


November 1, 2015

My dear Miss Wales: --

The little folder which I sent you, the condensed argument, was one out of several thousand. I will have some of them sent to you at once.

We will take up your suggestion in regard to the advertising in connection with the film "Throw down your Arms". I think it would be very difficult to issue a monthly bulletin in regard to the international sentiment within the warring countries, although your suggestion is an interesting one. I have written out my impressions in the book which promises to have a good sale, and we are of course constantly receiving new evidence. I have had some quite wonderful letters in the last few days, one from a missionary in India in regard to a young man of his acquaintance.

I am enclosing a copy of a poem written by the son of Lady Selborne, Lord Salisbury's daughter. She was quite belligerent when I was in London and I am touched that she should send me these lines by her son who is fighting in Mesopotamia. She marked the [page 2] letter "Private" so perhaps it would be well not to say who wrote it. It is very touching when the sons of the warring aristocracy write like this.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Miss Julia Wales
Madison, Wisconsin.