Anna May Trow Bowman to Jane Addams, October 21, 1915

Woman’s Club
of Sterling and Rock Falls Illinois

October, 21, ’15.

 <From> Miss Jane [Addams],

Dear Madam,

I am arranging a “Peace” day program to be given before our club [page 2] November sixth, and I have been wondering if it would be possible for you, with your busy life, to send just a line of greeting or anything you might feel would be helpful to us for the day. I know it is presuming a great deal to ask you, but [page 3] I know, too, what weight even a line from you would have with everyone here. However, if you find it impossible I thank you just the same for taking time to read this and wish you continued success.

Sincerely, Mrs. F. J. Bowman
207 -- 8th Ave. Sterling, Ill.

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