Julia Estelle Linder Dockery to Jane Addams, October 18, 1915

Kirksville, Missouri.
October 18, 1915.
Miss Jane [Addams],
Hull House, Chicago,

Miss [Addams]: --

I am presuming to ask a very great favor of you.

The Sojourner's Club of this city selected me to write a paper on the “Woman’s Peace Movement” and knowing the great interest you are taking in this same movement I thought you would perhaps send a woman who has [page 2] almost reached her “three score and ten years” of life some literature or references that would help in preparing a <paper> worthy of such a subject.

Thanking you in advance for any kindness shown,

I am,

Sincerely yours,

Mrs Julia E Dockery,
Past Nat’l Sen. vice President
Woman's Relief Corps.

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