Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, January 1902


My dear Alice

Poor Mde. [Manville] is dead.  I certainly never spoke scornfully of her for I always admired her work and sent many people to her.  I may have said that I couldn't afford to go to her for [although] she did good work she charged high prices.

Miss Fay in the Venetian Bldg who does my best work is also going up and I am about to desert her. [page 2]

Sarah Anderson always goes to a Mrs Porter who is a very good dressmaker with a fine art and style.  I am thinking of going there in the Spring.  Her address is Mrs H. J. Porter 435 Elm St.  If you would like to have me I will see her and send you samples and prices.

Sarah left last night for Oxford Ohio where she has a position in a Woman's College–-Laura is starting in to [Lewis] [page 3] Institute and is going to take the Domestic science training-–the three months course probably.

She seems to like it and it is very nice to have her here.

For one week we had good reports from Weber but the later ones are again discouraging.