Mabel L. Hyers to Jane Addams, September 13, 1915


September 13, 1915.

My dear Miss Addams:

I am so sorry to hear of your relapse and hope that you are speedily regaining the lost ground. It was very thoughtful of you to write to the office at such a time.

Mr. Harper, I know, will be glad to receive the money for printing the Hague Resolutions and I think will be willing to run them through the press and put on -- "Printed by the Woman's Peace Party". I am sorry that it was overlooked.

Mrs. Thomas is at home, arriving in town as she has expected a week ago Friday, but was away for two or three days attending the wedding of her son in Michigan. She is wiring you [today] saying that she thinks it impractical from the financial point of view and difficult from the practical point of view to have a large meeting for Doctor Jacobs between now and the 20th, for the time is so short to work up interest. However, if you think it is the right thing to do, we will use all our machinery and every ounce of strength to bring about a successful one.

Mrs. Snowdon has gone to New York to be the guest of Mrs. Catt for a short time, but will return to the west in the indefinite future, -- in about a month, I should judge. Mrs. Lloyd, Miss Holbrook, a few others and myself had the pleasure of meeting her [at] a Tea last Thursday. She is, as you know, extremely interested in what the Peace societies are trying to do in this country. She expressed herself as groping in the dark, for everywhere she went the people had great schemes for bringing about Peace, but none was willing to say what the plan of action would be.

We shall be very much interested to know whether the enclosed account from this morning's Herald is authoritative.

With best wishes, I am

Sincerely yours,

Assistant to the Secretary.

Miss Jane Addams
Hull's Cove, [Me]